Harris Wilcox, Inc.Harris Wilcox, Inc.
Auctioneers, Realtors & Appraisers

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Virginia Anderson Real Estate Auction

Purchase Offer
Property Profile

Open Houses:

Saturday 10/22/2016
1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Tuesday 10/25/2016
11:00 A.M to NOON

Penne Vincent

Thursday - 10/27/2016 at 5:00 P.M.
144 Straub Road, Greece (view map)

The deal died - re-selling 144 Straub Road on October 27, 2016 at 5pm.
Auction to be held at 144 Straub Road.  REAL ESTATE:  Selling will be a ranch home built in 1960 w/attached garage and sunroom. Property has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, hardwood floors and full basement. Assessed for $105,300. Sells at $30,000 or above.  $6,000 deposit required to bid.  OPEN HOUSES: SAT. OCT. 22 from 1-2pm and TUES. OCT. 25 from 11am - Noon.  Fore more details call Penne Vincent at 303-2325 or Shelly Falcone at 683-0995.